The Click Engine Review: Does It Sell? Does It Deliver?

In this video about The Click Engine I look at my affiliate sales stats to answer the question, “Does it sell?” In other words “Can you make money by promoting The Click Engine as an affiliate marketer?”

Next I look at whether The Click Engine actually delivers traffic as promised.

Then I check how The Click Engine compares to some of the other traffic-delivery services that I use to answer the question, “Does The Click Engine deliver good results?”

Watch The Video To See If The Click Engine Delivers Results

Does The Click Engine Deliver?

These are very early days, but already The Click Engine is starting to deliver some promising results. I am pleased to see that the 7 days stats show it has already added two subscribers to my Beginners Crypto Course mailing list.

The 5% opt-in rate puts it ahead of my #1 source of traffic and conversions, LeadsLeap (1.23%) over the seven day period – and The Click Engine was only operating for six out of those seven days.

The only site to “beat” The Click Engine over the last few days was my own traffic site (edbvip) – but I guess that’s because the site owner usually has a built-in advantage when promoting offers to the members of his own site. Also, my other link (edbsr) didn’t deliver any list subscribers, so the opt-in rate across the two “edb” campaigns is closer to 5% than 10%.

[Note (8th October 2023): Since this blog post was written, I have shut down the traffic site (edbvip / edbsr), and replaced it with the Get More Sales marketing funnel. – DH]

Can You Make Money Promoting The Click Engine?

The best way to answer that question is to look at my sales results for The Click Engine. Keep in mind that the $2.30 commissions will be monthly recurring payments for as long as the referral maintains the subscription.

As you can see, my sales results are not too bad so far…


Although The Click Engine is barely a week old, it is already showing some promising results, both as an affiliate offer, and as an traffic delivery service.

David Hurley


About David Hurley 157 Articles
David is a business blogger who started his first website back in 1997 and has been running an online business since 2000. He uses the concept of Top 5 Programs to build multiple online income streams without losing focus. David recommends Wealthy Affiliate to anyone who wants to build a profitable online business. Read more about David on his About page.

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