About Top 5 Programs

First, A Bit About Me

Hello, and thanks for popping by. I’m David Hurley, the “face” behind this Top5Programs blog.

For most of the last three decades I’ve been based in Japan, and for the last twenty years I’ve lived half way between Hiroshima and Miyajima. In Hiroshima, I work as a freelance English lecturer and language teacher.

I started my online affiliate marketing business back in 2007 when my daughter was four. Here is a photo my wife took of us on a trip to Nagasaki that year. (When this photo was taken we had no idea that, fourteen years later, my daughter would return to Nagasaki to enter Nagasaki University):

Nagasaki, 2007: The year I started online affiliate marketing

The digital chessboard: My hobby that hones strategic thinking

When I’m not teaching or working on my online business, I enjoy playing and studying chess online or socially.

Check out my chess blog: https://easychesstips.com

I play most of my online games at Gameknot.com as “hirohurl” – challenge me to a game any time!

I also play a lot of Splinterlands – an NFT monster card game built on the Hive blockchain. It fast and furious fun, so hop on board and challenge me to a game! Ask me nicely and I’ll gift you a monster card!

Top5Programs: 5 Tried And Tested Programs

Top5Programs.com is a blog that shows you how to work with five tried and tested online business programs to build a viable online business.

I have been working with all five programs for several years now. The newest program to make it onto my “Top 5” list – The Click Engine – was launched in January 2022 by Jeff Aman, a highly successful affiliate marketer whose advice I trust.

All five programs featured on this blog help you build a successful online business in the “make money online” niche. You can use these programs to:

  • Host your WordPress blogs and get top-quality online-business coaching. (Wealthy Affiliate)
  • Offer a “funded proposal” to generate fast front-end profits. (Prosperity Marketing System)
  • Earn fast with a “micro-continuity offer” & generate a stream of buyer-traffic. (The Click Engine)
  • Generate leads, conversions and sales & manage your mailing lists. (Leadsleap)
  • Automate your safelist mailing campaigns and boost your marketing efficiency (Traffic Zipper)

My Online Profit Formula: Focusing on What Truly Works

After years of trying to build “multiple streams of online income” I realized I needed to find a balance between “multiple streams” and a tighter “focus.”

Too often I’d end up chasing too many “opportunities” and going nowhere “mighty fast” like the Starship Enterprise on Warp 10!

What I needed was an online profit formula that I could rely on to generate profits month in and month out.

I found that working with five programs gave a good balance between “focus” and “multiple streams.”

Yes, I do work with other programs, such as Livegood.com which is my Primary Business. I blog about Livegood at https://fit50s.com – a blog about health and fitness for people in their 50s and beyond.

I also work with multiple safelists, traffic exchanges and other traffic providers to promote my online business.

However, it is the “Top five programs” that are featured on this blog which are the tools I focus on to build a profitable online business.

If Top5Programs.com teaches you just one thing, let it be to FOCUS on your core, tried and tested, programs.

If you have any questions, feel free to post a comment below, or drop me a line and I’ll get back to you.

All the best,

David Hurley

