My Leadsleap Affiliate Commission Breakthrough!

I just made a quick and dirty 3 minute “bragging video” about my progress as a Leadsleap affiliate…

I’ve been with Leadsleap since 2008.

For several years I just piddled around with it and nothing much happened, but I noticed that the program was regularly being improved by Kenneth Koh the program owner so I’d check in on it every now and then.

I forget when I upgraded, probably around 2017 when I launched my Top5Programs blog because Leadsleap has been one of my “Top 5 programs” ever since I launched this blog.

However, I was not actively promoting the program, and it also took a while for to gain much traction.

However, I stuck with Leadsleap based on the quality of the advertising. It’s a service that I think is well worth the monthly subscription ($27) even when I wasn’t earning any commissions from the affiliate program.

The “Subsidised” Period

Then, for quite some time I had one upgraded referral here and there so my subscription was usually “subsidised” which was nice.

This year, however, there has been a big change!

In Profit Month By Month 🙂

I started to create Leadsleap training videos and to promote them via an opt in form on a landing page I created on Leadsleap, as well as on my blog and in messages to my Leadsleap downline.

The results have been heartening as the number of upgraded referrals has been steadily growing, and the retention rate is very good. After all, if you are happy with the advertising and the autoresponder service, why would you quit?

$1k Breakthrough (The 2nd $1k Will Be Much Quicker!)

A few days ago I noticed that my commission total had busted through the $1,000 mark. Time to make a bragging video! (Well, a video to encourage YOU to persevere with Leadsleap or whatever program you are working with.)


David Hurley

P. S. Check out my free Leadsleap training videos here or get them in your inbox here:

Find out more about Leadsleap for free: (affiliate link)

About David Hurley 157 Articles
David is a business blogger who started his first website back in 1997 and has been running an online business since 2000. He uses the concept of Top 5 Programs to build multiple online income streams without losing focus. David recommends Wealthy Affiliate to anyone who wants to build a profitable online business. Read more about David on his About page.


  1. Hi David,

    Well I could KICK myself. I was with LeadsLeap right at the beginning but was too ‘new’ to realise what an excellent tool it was and didn’t give it the attention it deserved.

    SendSteed has facilities way better than some of the ‘market leaders’.

    LeadsLeap is an amazing program – anyone (like me!) who underestimates it, will come to regret it.

    Congrats on sticking with it and the well deserved rewards,

    Joy Healey

    • Hi Joy,

      Well, we live and learn! But you’re not to late to get the benefit of all the improvements to the service that have been implemented in the last couple of years. Leadsleap is a great example of an evergreen service that keeps on giving value.

  2. Hi David,
    I know that you are a very busy person so if you do not have time,i fully appreciate.I am a beginner and have been with Leads Leap for some time and have over 10,000 credits.I have tried to get started,but,always come across a problem(i am a Newbie)is there somewhere that i can download simple instructions on what and how to start,i am really desperate as i have medical expenses and will do anything to get started.
    Many Thanks

  3. Hello David, Thank you for sharing this progress report. I’ve been a member of LeadsLeap for a long time also. I’m also Upgraded, it’s just worth it. I’m at the stage you said you were in the beginning. But I love LeadsLeap, it’s great. If there is one subscription I will never stop, it’s LeadsLeap. I have subscribed to other autoresponder services, but none compare. The tools we get access to are awesome, a solid affiliate program, plus 4 more ways to make money and that doesn’t include the income you get from your other business. Also, regarding the targeted traffic, there’s much to say about LeadsLeap traffic and tracking system. I haven’t seen one Site like it. And Kenneth Koh just keeps upgrading and improving. Plus he cares about the members. the price is minuscule compared to the benefits and features LeadsLeap offers it’s members.

    • Hi Robin,

      Thank you for taking the time to post your testimonial. As you say, the targeted traffic that comes from the ad platform is second to none. No matter what I promote, my tracking consistently shows Leadsleap to be the primary source of leads, subscribers, and sales.

      The Sendsteed autoresponder is excellent too. It had not been launched when I joined Leadsleap, but even without it Leadsleap was still great value. Now it’s just amazing.

      Hang in there and you will succeed.

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