The Click Engine Review: 30th Sale & 3rd $25 Paypal Bonus From Jeff Aman

30 sales of The Click Engine in less than 30 days, plus 14 upsells, and three $25 bonus Paypal payments from the creator of the program, Jeff Aman.

What’s the secret?

The Click Engine is a “micro-continuity offer.” What that means is that a high value product (proven biz-op buyer traffic) is offered at a rock-bottom price as a recurring monthly payment.

The low-price/high-value proposition is the key. For just $4.90 a month The Click Engine delivers real biz-op buyer-traffic directly to a landing page of your choice.

For anybody who knows anything about traffic generation The Click Engine is a “no brainer,” and that is what causes the sales to keep on rolling in (provided you put in the work to promote it).

In this video I check in on my progress during my first month of promoting The Click Engine.

My 3rd $25 Bonus Paypal Payment From Jeff Aman 🙂

I just got my 30th sale (not including upsells) and that qualified me for another $25 bonus payment from Jeff.

For every ten sales of The Click Engine that you generate, you get a $25 bonus paid straight into your Paypal account. All you have to do is drop Jeff an email. He is pretty quick at sending the payments too.

50% Of Buyers Also Buy The OTO Or Other Offer

So far, of the 30 customers who bought The Click Engine, 15 went on to buy the $14.90 OTO, or another product, either one of Jeff’s offers or some other offer on That’s a 50% upsell rate.

I think the reason for the high take up of the OTO is because it is another well-targeted “no brainer” offer.

The customer is somebody who is willing to pay $4.90 a month for buyer-traffic to one URL. The $14.90 offer is a ONE-TIME payment for more traffic: For $14.90 you can plug a second URL in The Traffic Engine and never have to pay for it again. Four months down the line it will effectively be sending you buyer-traffic for free! As such, it is another excellently conceived “low price/high value” proposition that marketers love – I for one jumped at the OTO!

Taken together, the $2.31 recurring commissions, the $7.11 OTO commissions, and Jeff’s $25 bonus payments make this a very powerful affiliate program.

I expect a large proportion of my referrals to stay with the program. If they do, and if I can keep the referrals rolling in, then my income from The Click Engine should rise from month to month.

Any questions or comments? Drop me a line via the Contact Form.

David Hurley


About David Hurley 157 Articles
David is a business blogger who started his first website back in 1997 and has been running an online business since 2000. He uses the concept of Top 5 Programs to build multiple online income streams without losing focus. David recommends Wealthy Affiliate to anyone who wants to build a profitable online business. Read more about David on his About page.

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