How To Build A WordPress Website For Beginners – In 90 Seconds Or Less!

How to build a Wordpress website for beginners in 90 seconds or less.

I will kick off this new WordPress training series with a quick video on how to build a WordPress website for beginners. It is really very easy, and in the video I show you how you can set up a blog on your own domain.

how to build a wordpress website for beginners

In the video example, I  set up the WordPress site on a sub-domain of

You don’t need any technical know-how or experience with WordPress or blog design to do this. That’s why I’ve titled this training module “how to build a WordPress website for beginners.”

However, you won’t be setting up a basic “beginners” site. You’ll be setting up a fully-functioning WordPress site which will be able to compete with the best of them, if you build out the content.

How to build a WordPress Website For Beginners And For Free!

By the way, if you are on a tight budget, here’s how to create a WordPress website for free.

First join Wealthy Affiliate as a free member.

Then follow this video training to set up your free blog on their hosting platform. Site Rubix hosting is integrated into the WealthyAffiliate membership site. You can create your own WordPress blog for free on SiteRubix in less than two minutes.

Training Video: How To Build A WordPress Website For Beginners (Quick & Easy!)


Video Transcript (edited version)

Hello folks, this is David Hurley of

What you can see here on the screen is my WealthyAffiliate dashboard. I want to show you how easy it is to set up a WordPress blog on the SiteRubix webhosting platform which is part of the Wealthy Affiliate membership site.

I’ve set a Google countdown timer to 1 minute 30 seconds. I want to show you that you can build your own WordPress blog, self hosted through in 90 seconds or less. It’s a very easy process. When I hit the start timer I’ll start setting up the blog from scratch.

[Starts the countdown timer]

So here we go. I’ve got 90 seconds. The clock is now running. I go to the Site Rubix button inside my Wealthy Affiliate area and I click the Site Builder.

I have a domain name of my own here, but I’ll do it on a free Site Rubix sub-domain. It would be the same process on the paid domain.

Let’s call it and we give it a title. $1,000 A Month.

We choose the design. Well, we can choose any of these designs (i.e. WordPress theme), and we can change the WordPress theme later if we want to.

We are now starting to install the theme and installing database. 46 seconds left…

Activating site protection security…

Finalizing installation, with 40 seconds left…

This actually takes a few seconds so let’s just see if we can do it in the next 30 seconds that remain… 25 seconds…

Here we go. “Awesome, your website is installed and ready to go” with 18 seconds left. Let’s go and have a look at it. – a free website. .. And er, ah, let’s look at the site itself and not the log in. 3 seconds left, 2 seconds left…

[alarm goes off]

Okay, that’s the 90 seconds, but there is the site.

As you can see, it’s a fully functioning WordPress site, all set up and ready for me to add content to.

It is on a sub-domain of, so you could follow this process to create a WordPress site for free. Get started here!

How To Create A Premium WordPress Website On Your Own Domain Name

I could just as easily have gone into Site Rubix over here – I’ll just show you the process quickly – and clicked on a domain I own. I already have some domains on my Site Rubix account. If I didn’t have any domains then I would first register a domain if I wanted to have my own Premium level site hosted on my own domain.

So I’d click my domain, and then I’d choose something like Give my website a title just as I did in the free example. Choose a theme. Again, it can be this theme. And then I would… put in a title, let’s just say… like so. It would be just as quick and the site would be set up within 90 seconds of starting from scratch.

So that’s how easy it is to set up a fully-functioning WordPress blog self hosted on your own domain, or on a sub-domain of

Okay folks, that’s all from me.

David Hurley


About David Hurley 157 Articles
David is a business blogger who started his first website back in 1997 and has been running an online business since 2000. He uses the concept of Top 5 Programs to build multiple online income streams without losing focus. David recommends Wealthy Affiliate to anyone who wants to build a profitable online business. Read more about David on his About page.

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